Before– This tooth has an old and defective amalgam restoration (silver filling) on it.
After– Dr. Jack Hosner removed the defective filling and replaced it with a gold onlay.
Before– Thin and weak natural tooth structure with recurrent decay
After– Gold onlays placed by Dr Jack Hosner of Portage, MI.
Before– Tooth was broken.
After– Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI restored tooth with a gold onlay.
Before– Broken, decayed and weak back two teeth
During– All old fillings and decay have been removed
After– Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI filled teeth with bonded composite resin, and then placed gold crowns to protect them from fracture.
Before– Large decay was removed. After– Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI restored tooth with a gold onlay.
Before– Recurrent decay around old defective silver fillings.
After– Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI restored the back two teeth with gold onlays. He placed a gold inlay on the other tooth.
Before– This Patient is missing one back tooth.
After– A 3-unit gold bridge and a single gold inlay were placed by Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI.
Before– Recurrent decay around old defective silver fillings.
After– Gold inlays were placed on the tops of these teeth by Dr. Jack Hosner of Portage, MI.